Reinventing the slice bread!

Reinventing the slice bread!

On the day Portrait of a Legend and other Folks is printed and launched, it will be sold on its own website.

By building a secure book-selling website the job will be made simpler by creating its own environment for the best online marketing opportunities for book retailing.


That great provider Amazon and other book-selling sites will have vast amount of books other than Portrait of a Legend and other Folks.

Think of the thousands and thousands of blurbs which will be on display other than blurbs for Portrait of a Legend and other Folks.

That therefore will be a major distraction and many visitors to those sites may never click the link for Portrait of a Legend and other Folks.

I therefore have no intention to use Amazon.

Instead, I will Tweet and email all three and a half thousand Facebook friends plus my fifteen hundred Myspace friends the exact live link to informing them where to find the book.

As soon as is built I will use bi-monthly informing emails and post on Twitter, Facebook and Myspace.

Good testimonials for Portrait of a Legend and other Folks will be crucial.


Good testimonials will make Portrait of a Legend and other Folks stand out.

Testimonials are at the top of this promotional strategy and I will collect as many strong ones as possible to post on

Again why?

Testimonials sell. is a serious business and by using Twitter, Facebook and Myspace, a direct link to PoaLaoF™ website will be made where a generous package will be offered to serious investors and those intent on purchasing the book.

Did you ask why?


It will be they who will make Portrait of a Legend and other Folks go further than many books have ever been before.

With the constant addition of fresh material will make search engines happy with this site.

Watch my ass.

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